Monday, November 1, 2010

KETEP - Magelang ( Central Java )

Tourism Ketep Pass Magelang district is Nature Tourism in particular volcano Mount Merapi.Obyek Ketep Tour Pass situated at an altitude of 1200 m with a total area of about 8000 sq. m, located 17 km from Magelang Blabak towards the east, 30 km from the city and 35 km from Magelang Boyolalai. From the town of Salatiga, a distance of about 32 km, can be through Kopeng and Kaponan Village and 30 km from Borobudur Temple. Object location easily accessible either by the Big Bus, Mini Bus, Sedan, or the like as well as motorcycles.

On the initiative of Central Java Governor H. Mardiyanto, this hilly land selected for development as a new tourist destination in the path of Selo-Borobudur-Solo (SSB) with typical tourist merapi.Obyek Ketep Pass Tour was inaugurated by President Megawati Sukarno Putri on October 17 2002.

Form of 2 pieces each gazebo with the size of a rectangular and octagonal building with a long side length of five meters. Places to see the natural beauty of Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu. And agricultural lands on both feet of the Mountain. While enjoying food and drinks provided by traders around the object.

Here visitors can enjoy a menu that is served diRestaurant Ketep Pass according to taste. Building on Vulcano Ketep teatre this glass-walled, ideal for visitors to eat dishes that are available while also enjoying the beautiful panorama at the foot of Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu.

Panca Arga has the meaning of Five Mountains, at this location is the highest peak in Tourism Ketep Pass. From this summit visitors can see five mountain that is Mount Merapi, Mount Merbabu, Mount Sindoro, Sumbing and Mount Slamet.
In addition to these five mountain visitors still can see and enjoy the small-Mount Mountain and The hills are very beautiful, among others, Mount Tidar, Mount Andong, Mount Pring, Menoreh Hill, Hill Telo Moyo etc.

A building called the museum's broad view of approximately 550 m3. A museum inside vulcanologi which stood miniature of Mount Merapi, an interactive computer containing about dokomen volcano, some examples of evidence eruption rocks from year to year. Garuda's top poster-sized 3x3m, posters warning of Mount Merapi lava


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