Name Green Canyon popularized by a Frenchman on thn 1993. His real name Cukang Taneuh. Green Canyon has its own uniqueness. From his own journey with motorized from the dock for 30 minutes we will be happy to pass the river with green water tosca (if you do not feel the rain). On the way we look at life on the riverbanks. Occasionally seen lizards, snakes (do not worry just snake sacking) and residents who were fishing or doing all the fish.
Here the water is very clear bluish. To view the actual distinctness, we are advised to continue upwards with a swim (there are available Rental tires) or crawling on the edge of the stone. The trip is completely safe. Children 6 yrs and older; interchangeable join tires and guide - life guard boat owners that we lease. Along the way, we will continue to be in the basin with steep walls on either side; sebgn resembles a cave wall with a roof which has collapsed.
In certain parts of the remaining stalactites,where ground water drips. After a few hundred meters swim, we'll see bbrp Falls water frame on the right who are very charming. If you continue to wonder with the end of the road, you will arrive at a place with a cave inhabited by bats. Along these lines, your heart's content collapsible swimming. Yes, swim with the fish in clear water and cold.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
9:44 AM
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