Kete 'difficulties is one of the most popular tourist destination in Toraja. Kete 'difficulties means' center'. Designations were in accordance with what can be found there, namely the existence of the township, where the carving handicrafts, and the grave. Activity center is a row of traditional houses called 'tongkonan', derived from the word 'tongkon' which means 'to sit together'. This tongkonan row (some still inhabited), faced with a row of barns are called 'weeds'.
At Kete 'difficulties there are also a reliable sculptor-engraver engraving to create a custom house, wall decoration, souvenirs, and tau-tau (a statue to honor the dead who are buried). At Kete 'difficulties there are also two types of graves are graves on the hill and the graves of stone buildings. Cemetery on the hill this stone is very old. Pile 'erong' (coffin), so many have rotted, and the bones scattered in the open air.
Privileged Kete 'difficulties are building a truly pristine, marked with a roof made of woven leaves. In traditional buildings the new, widely used as a substitute for tin roof wicker leaves. At Kete 'all the difficulties there are also important elements in the culture of the Toraja people, namely tongkonan (home), grassland (rice granary), the grave, and place of manufacture of carving handicrafts.
Kete 'difficulties in the south of Rantepao, Tana Toraja Regency Capital.
To achieve Kete 'difficulties could use private vehicles or public transportation from the Cake bemo Market. Distance from Rantepao approximately 20 minutes.
Accommodation and Facilities.
At Kete 'difficulties there are many souvenir stalls selling various crafts Toraja.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Kate' Kesu
1:22 AM
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